State Supplemented General Tutoring for Children in Westchester, Orange, Dutchess, and Ulster Counties, NY
FLT provides general tutoring support for children in grades K-12 in Westchester County, Orange County, Dutchess County, and Ulster County, NY. Schools that participate in the state's supplemental program for tutoring can have FLT listed as a vendor to provide the services free of cost to students who qualify. For parents who choose not to go through the school, they can contact FLT directly for tutoring support for their children. In such cases, parents will be charged an hourly rate. Tutoring can take place at a child's home, school, or a local public library.
Kindly contact us and we will be happy to discuss your tutoring needs and how we can best serve them. Call us today at 917-633-6099 or 845-579-5732.
FLT provides general tutoring support for children in grades K-12 in Westchester County, Orange County, Dutchess County, and Ulster County, NY. Schools that participate in the state's supplemental program for tutoring can have FLT listed as a vendor to provide the services free of cost to students who qualify. For parents who choose not to go through the school, they can contact FLT directly for tutoring support for their children. In such cases, parents will be charged an hourly rate. Tutoring can take place at a child's home, school, or a local public library.
Kindly contact us and we will be happy to discuss your tutoring needs and how we can best serve them. Call us today at 917-633-6099 or 845-579-5732.